Apex Update: Ever since its launch in 2019, Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts’ Apex Legends has become an incredibly popular free-to-play battle royale game. The intense and strategic combat has attracted hordes of players who love the unique special powers each character has to offer.
On April 10th, 2023, Respawn Entertainment launched a new version of Apex Legends. This version came with an array of updates, from brand-new weapons, to legend alterations, and bug repairs. This article will provide a breakdown of the patch notes of the April 10th update to showcase all of the modifications.
Update for Apex Legends on April 10th

Respawn has made fixing the button issues a top priority. They have decided to revert to the original Remove/Transfer attachment buttons. In the mid-season update, these buttons were changed from their usual state of Transfer on Right-Click and Remove on Left-Click. However, the change caused frustration among players who found it interfered with their muscle memory. Rolling back the change will bring back the old system and make players happy.
A problem was discovered with the Apex summon, which was spawning in the incorrect location when summoned by Vantage. Fortunately, a small fix was implemented for Echo, which has provided relief for many players. Previously, the Sun Squad skins were unavailable for Belgian players due to an update issue. However, the latest patch has resolved this problem.
An update to the Splash Zone Flatline heavy weapon has been implemented, with the aim of increasing its convenience. The gun has been upgraded with enhanced iron sights for improved accuracy.
The update could contain additional insignificant bug repairs that haven’t been formally reported yet. We’ll only gain a full comprehension of the update’s usefulness once the legitimate patch notes are released. One thing is certain – Respawn and EA appear to be disregarding the problem of hacking. It’s high time they implement serious strategies, either implementing strategies to eliminate cheaters or forbidding them totally. Popular Twitch streamer Nickmercs recently decided to end his streaming session due to encountering hackers in his Apex matches. The continuous experience of facing cheaters led him to feel tired and frustrated, ultimately leading to the decision to stop the stream.
If you cheat & hack in video games, you should 100% be sent to jail.
— FaZe Nickmercs (@NICKMERCS) April 5, 2023
I know the majority of y’all are busy touching grass & shit, that’s lit, super happy for ya. But your boy just spent 20 hours getting hacked on in online video games & I’ve had enough.
Addressing hacking is crucial for the continued growth of Apex Legends, as it remains a major issue that needs to be taken seriously. Players who engage in hacking and are able to avoid consequences disrupt the competitive integrity of the game. The recent surge in hackers during Season 16 is alarming and needs to be promptly addressed.
New Features:

The April 10 update brought several new features to Apex Legends, including:
- Olympus Map Update: The Olympus map received a significant update with the April 10 Apex update. The update added new locations, including a research facility and a new dropship, as well as new loot items and environmental hazards.
- Legend Buffs and Nerfs: Several legends received buffs and nerf with the April 10 Apex update. Loba’s Tactical Ability received a buff, allowing her to teleport further and faster. Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment Ultimate Ability was nerfed, reducing the duration of the bombardment.
- New Weapons: On April 10th, two additional weapons were released for the game: the Volt SMG and the Sentinel sniper rifle. The Volt SMG is an energy weapon that delivers moderate harm at close quarters and is equipped with full-automatic fire. Meanwhile, the Sentinel sniper rifle is a bolt-action sniper with an additional ability to increase the damage it can cause when fully charged.
- Ranked Mode Split: With the April 10th update, the Ranked Mode was split into two segments, with the first portion being played on Olympus and the subsequent section held on Kings Canyon.
Gameplay Improvements:

The April 10 update also brought several gameplay improvements to Apex Legends, including:
- Ping Improvements: The ping system received several improvements with the April 10 Apex update, including new ping options for loot, enemies, and jump towers. The ping system also now allows players to ping the duration of their Ultimate Ability.
- Grenade Improvements: Grenades received several improvements with the April 10 update, including increased damage and a reduced fuse time for frag grenades. Additionally, players can now cook grenades by holding down the throw button.
- Inventory Improvements: With the April 10 update, the inventory system has been given an upgrade, including the facility to exchange attachments between arms and a novel sorting alternative in the inventory.
- Audio Improvements: The audio system received several improvements with the April 10 update, including better sound spatialization and improved footsteps audio.
Bug Fixes:

The April 10 update also addressed several bugs and issues in Apex Legends, including:
- We addressed a problem that could leave players suspended in mid-air following the utilization of a zipline.
- We were able to address a problem wherein Octane’s Launch Pad could expel gamers outside of the playable map.
- Fixed an issue where Wraith’s Portal could teleport players under the map.
- Fixed an issue where Caustic’s Gas Traps could be triggered by friendly players.
Apex Legends’ April 10th patch update introduced a wealth of new content, enhancements, and bug fixes. The new features, including a revamp of the Olympus map and new weapons, enhance the game with a fresh layer of enjoyment. Furthermore, improvements to the ping, grenade, and inventory functions make the experience smoother than ever. Additionally, bug fixes address existing issues and enhance the overall gaming experience.