Do you want to become a successful blogger or pro blogger? And, don’t know how to take your blog into the next level? Want to learn professional blogging skills.
Fist of all, your need to know what actually is blogging? Blogging is a fun or entertainment activity to share your knownlege and experience with others. If you’re serious about blogging or wants to make money by starting your blog. Plan for a long time to do blogging with patience and hardwork, and then wait for few weeks or months, you can get the outcomes or money from it. But if you’re just start blogging for money or just few dollars then can not successfull. Blogging is not for you because it takes time to give outcomes. A persone who is patience and consistent hardworker can make their bright future in blogging.
Read Now A-Z : How To Start A Blogging With Simple & Easy Steps in 2020 Complete
Keep in mind! Blogging requires many skills to get your job done quickly and smartly. Before go into b;ogging skills details, Intially you need to purcashes your own domain name and hosting from any best domain & hosting providers. After that you need to setup your website with any web programming language or content management system (WordPress). If you’re a computer science student or working in IT then you definitely know atleast basic website developement.
Read Now: Best Domain & Hosting For Successfull Blogging
Otherwise you need to hire a website developer for your blog setup and customization. You can also easily hire a freelancer from any freelancing website. For instance, your blog is on cms such as WordPress which is very easy to use you can do with your own. Next you should choose a best responsive theme, write unique and rich quality posts and publish it. Do Search Engine Optimization which will help to rank your website on search engines and improve your post visibilty. That’s what you can do for at initial stage.
Great! You’re now in blogging world and one day you’ll be a pro blogger with this blogging skills guide. Hurraah!!!
Let’s move on, we’ll going to know about the most essential and professional blogging skills you need to build for long term blogging career.
Excellent Research Skills
Porficient English Writing Skills
Rich Value Content Generation Skills
SEO & Superb Marketing Skills
Graphics & Photo Editing Skills
Basic Web Development Skills
Social Network Creation Skills
Positive Thinking & Patience Skills
Team Building & Leading Skills
Time Management & Consistency Skills
1 – Excellent Research Skills
A detailed reseach is required before doing any project and business, so you can see the present and predict the future possibilites. Right? As like in blogging to write any blog post you must need to do many types of research. Such as Keyword Research, Competitors Research, and Content Idea Research etc. You must know the research methologies and techiques in order to generate rich thing.
2 – Porficient English Writing Skills
The second foremost thing you need to have for Blogging is an excellent writing skills either in english or in any other language. But your writing style should be understandable to everyone. English writing skills is primary and essential part of a blog site. If writing is not good, so there is less chance of visitors stay on your site. So, be proficient in english reading/listening/writing skills to be good content writer. For writing an article you should use use MS-Word or other doc writing tools, and then fix all the grammatical mistakes using the grammarly tool and after everything is perfect then publish it.
3 – Rich Value Content Generation Skills
Do you know that “Content Is A King”? Content is what that makes your customers and lose your customers. Content is the thing who impress your visitor to visit your website and stay connect with you. The more you value put into your content the more customer/visitors you will get. Your content must be appealing as per user demands and problems. We know that rich and valuable content takes alot of time on reseach and creation. But it’s giving value to your blog site.
4 – SEO & Superb Marketing Skills
SEO & Digital Marketing are the pillars who lifts your content on digital world. This is one of the most important and essential blogging skill for your blog success. In digital world existance, you must have digital marketing work. There are many types of digital marketing which you can use for your blog. But Search Engine Optimization is use to list or rank your articles at the top in search results & bring more organic traffic to your blog, you need to must be familiar with search engine optimization.
5 – Graphics & Photo Editing Skills
Without blog eye catching graphics and photo editing content, how you can attract you visitors? Why people visit your blog without graphics? Your posts or articles needs pictures and images for thumbnails and infographics. I don’t mean you just need graphics design skills for photos and images creation and editing. There is a lof of things which needs graphics designing skills.
6 – Basic Web Development Skills
Aahm! Profressional bloggers are multitasking guys who have knowledge of everything in blogging. They’ve all the blogging skills atleast at beginners level. They’re able to do every task in every situation. Becasue, you’ve have to manage your blog and it needs updation on content and design as well. It will be great for you if you’ve some web development skills so don’t need to hire a developer and designer for very basic and simple tasks.
7 – Social Network Creation Skills
Social Network is a key element of blogging career success through which you can get organic traffic to your blog. A strong social and public network stands when you have your presence and communicate with people around you. Try to be in touch with everyone social and public network. Ask what’s going on their minds. Having strong social network makes it easy to get massive traffic in short time.
8 – Positive Thinking & Patience Skills
Actually, For any purpose you must have patience and positive thinking skills. Because, “A negative thinking drains, a positive thinking energizes.” So think positive, do positive and results will be always positive. Many people start blogging and after some time leave it. They want things in their hands asap but that’s very wrong. They want everything quickly but don’t know how to be patient in that situation.
I see people they started blogging and leave it after 3-4 months? Is that right? They just want money and blogging can not give you money until you do consistenly hard work with patience. So, please if you want to make a bright future and handsome income from blogging then do hardwork atleast 1 year with positivity. I’ll guarnatee you that you’ll be able to start earning after few months.
9 – Team Building & Leading Skills
No One Can Get Success Alone Are you agree with me? Alone people can just get few not much. Every business have success story of their team. So, Blogging also needs team work for consistency and integrity of tasks. Can you imagine how much you can earn by your own self and are your able to do everything for your blog? How you can achieve something big in short time with easy work?
For Instance, you’re single person who are going to start blogging and how you will do all task from research to posting? How much time you will take to write each article? If you do very very hardwork then you can do more than one article. Because it’s not just one thing. Right? You can see that can achieve this thing alone within 2-3 years but if team will work then you can achieve it within 6 months. So, try to make your team of passionated, consistent and hard work people. One man lift max 200KG But two man can lift together 400KG. Just a funny example for. 🙂
10 -Time Management & Work Consistency Skills
According to our seven years experince in blogging, for master blogging you need to be punctual for your blog. You must have strong time management skills so you can fulfull your commitments and achieve your goals on time. Prepare a schedule for you blog posts and their timings and follow it regularly.
Do You Know? Why few people (10%) make more than 100000$ per month from blogging and why 60% just able to make 1000$ – 3000$? Because they’re doing their work from years with consistency and time management. That’s why they are successfull bloggers!
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